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Welcome to the world of Kaimyou Maker


This website is a collection of documents related to Kaimyou Maker.


Kaimyou Maker is a comprehensive multi-denominational app developed by Moaisoft for automatic generation, editing, and management of kaimyou.


In addition to generating kaimyou automatically, the app also allows you to issue and print kaimyou certificates, and it can even be used as an ihai.


This is a sophisticated integrated kaimyou editing tool suitable not only for those seeking a kaimyou for themselves or their loved ones but also for use by clergy professionals.


*On this website, the term "kaimyou" is used as a general name.

However, within the app, it will switch to terms specific to each denomination, such as "Houmyou," "Hougou," "Myougou," or "Okurina."





Download Site



Nintendo eShop


Compatible with all Nintendo Switch models
*Horizontal screen only. Vertical screen is not supported.


*Language : It supports both Japanese and English.

for AndroidGooglePlay

Smartphones equipped with Android.

Android 4.4+


*Language : It supports only Japanese.

for iOSiTunesStore

Smartphones equipped with iOS.

iPhone / iPad / iPodTouch

iOS 10.0+


*Language : It supports only Japanese.

for AndroidAmazon AppStore

Amazon Appstore

Kindle **


*Language : It supports only Japanese.





Main Features


Automatic Generation

With just one button, a kaimyou is automatically generated.
It is not a simple random arrangement of kanji, but rather takes into account Buddhist customs and also considers the tone and rhythm to generate a kaimyou with a pleasant flow.

Advanced Editing Features

Kaimyou Maker not only generates kaimyou automatically, but also features advanced editing functions.
Therefore, those in the clergy can utilize their knowledge of kaimyou to create even more flexible and personalized kaimyou.

Customizable Settings

Additionally, you can select an Ingou (temple title) or Igou (posthumous title) regardless of denomination, age, or gender.
The automatic generation will not create such titles in accordance with the customs of each denomination, but users can modify them. Please use this feature if you have specific requests.
*Since this is a special case, please make changes with understanding.

Input in a Dialogue Format

When you actually request a kaimyou, you will be handed a questionnaire.
By simply answering the minimum required questions, the preparation for automatic generation will be complete.
You can easily input the information while referring to the instructions.

Simple Ihai

This is a simple Ihai feature that allows you to display your smartphone as a memorial tablet.
It supports not only plain wooden ihai and lacquered ihai, but also reverse-shū (pre-death kaimyou) tablets.
Of course, the use of Sanskrit characters and the inscription of spiritual titles will be done in accordance with tradition.

Orin & Mokugyo Performance

You can ring the bell and strike the wooden fish.
Additionally, with the auto-play function, you can play the wooden fish while propping up the ihai.
*In the Switch version, you can play the bell and wooden fish by shaking the left and right Joy-Con controllers.

Certificate Issuance and Printing

Once you are satisfied with the kaimyou, you can receive a kaimyou certificate.
It will be a beautifully bound certificate that can be printed from a compatible printer on your device or saved as an image.
Additionally, you can customize details such as the sender and causation.
*The Switch version does not support printing, so please save it to your album instead.

Danka (Parishioner) Management

You don't just want to create a kaimyou for one person, right?
Of course, you can manage multiple people.
You can organize them by denomination, so even those in the clergy can use it for their work.

Famous Person Templates

You can view the kaimyou of historical figures and famous people as references.
Furthermore, you can automatically generate an original kaimyou based on these as templates.



Supported Buddhist Sects








Sōtō-shū Rinzai-shū Ōbaku-shū


Shingon-shū Tendai-shū YūzūNembutsu-shū


Ji-shū Ritsu-shū Shinto


*It also supports cases such as non-religious, unknown, or unspecified.




Important Notes


  • The kaimyou is automatically generated in accordance with Buddhist customs; however, customs may vary by denomination or change over time, so the generated kaimyou may not always meet your expectations. Please make adjustments as necessary.

  • Kaimyou Maker is an app for creating kaimyou. Users are responsible for their own judgment regarding its use.



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